Product Review: Bankroll Coffee

Product Review: Bankroll Coffee
journal for together

Can drinking coffee make you a millionaire?

I self identify as a coffee snob. No doubt about that. For Christmas my kids got me a coffee bundle from Bankroll Coffee, and it was the perfect gift! Good coffee, catchy packaging, and amazing prices per cup. Names like Double Down, Morning Drip, and Diamond Hands grace the bags. I can’t even pick a favorite, but maybe Hodl, the espresso roast. Eventually, I’d like to try the decaf, Buy the Drip. If you read my earlier post, you’ll know that I make cold brew coffee at home. I always have some regular and some decaf in my fridge. Check out my cold brew coffee review here

Graham Stephan, with his interest in personal finance, real estate, and investing, has an interesting recipe for brewing coffee at home and saving money to invest so you can be a millionaire when you retire. According to Stephan, millennials spend more on coffee than they do on retirement!

He says in his video that he wants to create a business that will continue to grow on its own without him having to be constantly involved as the influencer. I resonate with that business goal. That’s what I’d love to see happen with my courses, educational products, and art. I want my weekly blog posts that arrive in your email to excite you for the next article not because of who I am but because it’s practical wisdom I’m sharing that helps you to help you smile more and sigh less. Got 2 extra minutes a week to read my blog post? Subscribe here. 

Whether you just want to save money and brew $0.20 coffee at home or you want a fun gift for a friend, check out the Bankroll Coffee bundle called Total Portfolio. Post in the comments below what your favorite roast is from Bankroll Coffee. Or post your personal recipe for how to become a millionaire!

Table Talk: What’s your recipe for saving money? Would you rather brew coffee at home or spend money to buy a cup of joe at the coffee shop?

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