College Planner tool




Gather, Organize, and Prioritize college information in a sharable spreadsheet.

Lots of research can go into choosing which colleges to apply to, and it’s often hard to keep track of which school offers what. This College Planner tool will help organize all the information gathered, even suggesting categories you may not have thought about. Customizable and sharable, you can edit the form to fit your needs and share it between parents and students. This information organizer will be helpful when visiting colleges, narrowing down which ones to apply to, preparing for applications and interviews, and making final decisions. Once you gather plenty of information, there are directions for color-coding the schools based on your preference for application and helping to narrow your choices. This works for undergrad or grad school.

College Planner Tool and College Research Spreadsheet

Along with the College Research gathering spreadsheet, there is a To-Do spreadsheet that has been started for you and an Apply spreadsheet that will help you organize your application process. As a BONUS, there is a Scholarship spreadsheet that will help you organize information about scholarships and set goals for application.

Organization is the necessary skill for college comparison whether it’s undergrad or grad school. This collaborative tool makes the research and comparisons easy to see. Purchase this college planner tool and get right to work.

Downloaded on a PDF that contains the link to the spreadsheet, this tool is a Google Sheet that can also be converted to an Excel file by the user. The user has 90 days to download the product. 

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