Book Review – Wurmbrand

Book Review – Wurmbrand
journal for together

What book have you read that was life changing?

Hopefully your first answer was the Bible. In addition to God’s Word, there have been a handful of books that have impacted my thinking and actions. WURMBRAND Tortured for Christ the Complete Story was one of those books. A friend gave me the book and movie as a Christmas gift. 

376 pages will have you staying up at night wanting to know what happens. The movie Tortured for Christ is graphic and a shorter way to get the gist, but not nearly as rich with details as the book. Apparently the story has been around for years in several different books and sermons, but this is the complete story based on the words of Richard and Sabrina Wurmbrand themselves. It tells the life story of the Wurmbrands who were imprisoned for their faith in Communist Romania post-WWII yet never gave up on their faith in God or in their desire to help others. Could the same be said of us? Would we be brave enough? Strong enough? Would we have memorized enough scripture should our Bibles be taken away? Could we survive mental and physical torture for years on end and cultivate gratitude in spite of our circumstances? Richard spent 14 years in prison where he was tortured, beaten, and locked up in solitary confinement, but he never gave up talking about Jesus.

This book is for a mature audience but could be a good book for family discussion with older high school or college students. There is even a study guide if you wish to use the book or movie in a small group. Put this book on your reading list for this year. WURMBRAND is available in paperback, hardback, ebook, and DVD movie. 

Richard Wurmbrand’s story is just one of many. The Voice of the Martyrs tells many more true and ongoing stories through their organization and in their free magazine. Started by the Wurmbrands in 1967, VOM seeks to inspire believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill the Great Commission. 

Tell me in the comments what book has had a powerful impact on your life or thinking.

Table Talk: What book has had a powerful impact on your life? 

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